Sonic experiences of place in Vermont: Narratives of changing land/soundscapes over time
The project examines the ways that Vermonters have experienced, talked about, and narrativized, via textual, material and sonic sources, the changing land/soundscapes of the state, historically and in the present. It investigates how Vermont’s land/soundscapes have changed with the introduction of new ambient elements from industrialization, urbanization, infrastructure, and social/demographic transformations [185, 186]. We examine how these elements have been described across dynamics such as rural/urban, insider/outsider, and quiet/noise, and documented via a variety of media.
Team Members
Member of the SOCKS Social Team.
Assistant Professor, Champlain College Interdisciplinary Studies.
Member of the SOCKS Social Team.
Learning Experience Designer in the Center for Learning and Teaching, Champlain College.
Member of the SOCKS Social Team.
Professor School of Social Innovation, Psychology & Core ,Champlain College.
Member of the SOCKS Capacity Team.